Posts in Category: Gadgets

Modified Power Wheels


Showing the wires

Back in 2016, we were about to bring home our new daughter from India. She has been diagnosed with Caudal Regression Syndrome. In her case, she is actually missing her legs. So when we saw that Power Wheels was about to release their new “Wild Thing” model, we thought it would be great for her to be able to play in the yard with the kids. Of course, the price wasn’t great at the time and we ended up forgetting about it.

RetroPie Controller

I’ve had a USB SNES controller for a while and kept wanting to throw a Pi Zero in it, but I also wanted a USB hub to be part of it somehow.  I have been sitting on it for a while but couldn’t seem to get things to fit in nicely.  Well, today I decided not to care about form so I could have function.  So I present the ugliest controller build your eyes have seen!

Obviously, not pretty, but at least I can plug in a mouse and keyboard or whatever when needed.

Pi Zero tweak

My loving bride was able to get me another Pi Zero for Christmas!  This is the 1.3 version with the camera slot.  I decided to make it a little more capable by giving it a normal female USB slot and adding on a serial port so I can talk to it from any computer with a USB port.  Nothing too fancy but makes it a little more usable so I can skip the OTG cable.  Right now I just have a Wifi adapter hooked up to it with the connections already set…so if I’m at home or work, it will connect automatically and shoot me an email with the IP and then I can just SSH.  Kinda nice. =)

Visual Studio Code on Raspberry Pi 3!

So after many attempts following this post I finally got Visual Studio Code running on my Pi 3!  Here is a breakdown of what I did.

You’re going to need to uninstall whatever version of Node you have so you can updated to the latest arm build: