Visual Studio Code on Raspberry Pi 3!

So after many attempts following this post I finally got Visual Studio Code running on my Pi 3!  Here is a breakdown of what I did.

You’re going to need to uninstall whatever version of Node you have so you can updated to the latest arm build:

$sudo apt-get remove node 

Once that is finished, download the package for the new one and install:


$sudo dpkg -i node_latest_armhf.deb

Assuming you have GIT installed, you will want to snag a copy of the vscode source from Microsoft:

$git clone

No, I had to modify the package.json file…open that guy up and find the dependencies section and change typescript version 2.0.3 to 2.0.10 as it doesn’t seem to play well with the others.

Once you’ve done that, you can run the, this will take some time…probably about 30mins at least.  Make sure you’re plugged into a proper power source (2.4 amps or more) because if not, you will think it will work…but it won’t. So, to start the build:

$cd vscode
$./scripts/ install --arch=armhf

Once you’ve finished your tea and crumpets, you might run into more issues with the next command.  I kicked off the vscode launch and it cried about the gulp file.  Run this to launch vscode:


That took a bit for me the first time…another 30mins almost.  Let it go and it may cry about the gulp file.  You’ll have to look and then just edit that file removing the 3 periods that its crying about.  You’ll then want to try and run it again…don’t worry, it will go much faster this time.  It may cry a 2nd time about that same file…go ahead and edit it, removing the 3 periods again and then try and run it again…this time it should work, might take a little bit again but once it loads, you should be good!  You’ll be up and cooking.  You will then use the same command to launch it again and it should load pretty quick.

Let me know if you run into other issues, I would definitely be curious as to the resolution.

Next steps are to see how running debug with NodeJS goes.  =)

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